Right now I am in the process of designing the set for an exciting new piece, THE LIFE MODEL. It is a devised work, being developed and written by the actors and the director through a series of workshop intensives - and we will open the piece in January at On The Boards in Seattle.  The piece is a multi-faceted portrait of  the 2011 Cairo Revolution seen through the eyes of four friends living in Cairo at the time.  It is working all of our creative and collaborative muscles, as the piece is very much alive and changing daily - so the design has to remain fluid enough to both nurture and adapt to the process.  I have spent a lot of time looking at pictures of the days of the revolution as well as trying to get an inside glimpse at daily life in Cairo, and people's personal spaces.  There has also been a wealth of reading and watching documentaries.  My collaborators on the piece are Pirronne Yousefzadeh (director/co-writer), Julia Sears (writer/associate director), Cecila Durbin (lighting design), Zeina Barakeh (video design), Deb Trout (costume design), Pavel Zustiak (choreographer) and the actors/writers are Jeffrey Fracé, Gisela Chipe, Maha Chehlaoui and Ahmad Maksoud. On this page are a smattering of my renderings of the show, and research photos, etc.  Please note that I don't own any of the research images. http://thelifemodelshow.com